DOP&T’ s OM No.11013/7/94-Estt(A) of 18.05.1994 clarified that the Govt Servant should take permission for leaving station/ headquarters specially for private visits abroad.  Another OM No.11013/8/2000-Estt(A) of 07.11.2000 clarified that the leave sanctioning authority while granting leave shall take prior approval, if required, for permitting the officer to go abroad as per the existing instructions.  [One case is noticed and HC of NDLS observed that one employee visited foreign countries 161 times without permission].  It should be ensured that Govt Servants take prior permission before leaving for visits abroad duly furnishing the required information relating to the proposed and previous visits in the prescribed proforma…[RBE 67/2005…SC 79/2005. 

While sanctioning ex-India leave to employees / officers, it should be ensured that they purchase overseas medical insurance to the tune of medical cover of at US $50,000.  While submitting leave application for ex-India leave the employee/officer should submit a  declaration that [a] the employee /officer is aware that he/she is not entitled for reimbursement of medical expenses for treatment in emergency or otherwise while on ex-India leave and [b] they have/  will purchase adequate insurance coverage for the medical emergency while on ex-India leave….SC 94/2007